This gospel song web site contains more than 60 hymns and spiritual songs pertaining
to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
These gospel songs are drawn from the 1932, 1951, and 1962 editions of "Hymns and
Spiritual Songs for the Little Flock", published by Stow Hill Bible and Tract Depot,
Kingston-On-Thames, England. It also includes the well-known gospel hymn, Amazing Grace.
British English word spellings have been changed, where appropriate, to their
American English forms.
The question of Copyrights has been carefully considered. In most
cases, only those songs and hymns written by authors who have departed to
be with Christ at least 70 years ago, as well as songs and hymns that were
first published at least 75 years ago, in the 1932 edition of "Hymns and
Spiritual Songs for the Little Flock", have been published on this web
site. Should any rights have been inadvertently infringed, the
publisher would appreciate this being brought to his attention so that the
matter can be rectified.
John Darby writes thus about hymns that suit the gospel:
"Abstractedly you are making people sing as having certain feelings,
and then preaching to them because they have not. But in actual
Christendom things are not so sharply defined, and there are hidden souls
and hidden wants which the hymn may give expression to, and set a soul
free or make it apprehend God's love sometimes more effectually than the
sermon; still there is very great danger of widespread delusion and loose
apprehension of sin and grace, and the difficulty is very real. You
may often find the loudest singers where the conscience is the least
reached." [From the Preface to "Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Little
Flock", 1881 edition.]
"As to conversions in singing, there is nothing at all
unscriptural. If the truth is in the hymn, spoken of with divine
affections, or souls' affections expressed respecting a truth already
outwardly admitted, it is quite within the ways and operation of the
Spirit of God to act on the soul in a quickening way by it, not without
truth, but by truth so addressed to the soul. I do not say that the
work will be there as deep, or the foundation so solidly laid at the
moment for after exercises, as if it was the direct application of the
word by the Holy Ghost to the conscience, but the heart receives Christ
convincingly and livingly, so as to love. I have ever said that the
smallest atom of Christ suffices for the Holy Ghost to quicken by, if it
be really Him. No doubt a profound conviction of sin by the word
casts off a mass of imaginings of the flesh by a deeper inward work,
which such a conversion leaves undiscovered; but if God works, He will do
His own work, and bring it to a good issue." [From "Letters of J. N. D.",
volume 1, page 295. - Nismes, Belgium - April, 1860.]
While aware of these concerns, this Gospel Songs web site is commended to God and to my fellow Christians
whose hearts are moved to sing about the precious Person and saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Tunes for many of these gospel hymns may be found at this archived
Tunes From Little Flock Tunebook web page.
Here is a sample of the gospel songs that are published on this site:
For Me
By H. d'A. Champney (1854-1942)
O LORD, what love for sinners Thou hast shown,
To give Thy life for those by sin undone!
But is that blood which doth for sins atone,
For me?
Was it for guilty sinners such as I
That Thou, O Lord, didst suffer here and die?
And is that grace which Thou dost now supply
For me?
Is it for me, who early went astray,
Who turned from God to tread a self-willed way,
Is it for me that mercy flows today?
For me?
If it's the hopeless case Thou lov'st to meet,
If it's a sinner Thou dost run to greet,
Then 'tis for me to worship at Thy feet—
For me.
Yes, 'twas for me, Lord Jesus, Thou didst come;
To me Thou givest pardon, peace, and home;
And, Savior, in Thy loving heart there's room
For me.